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Christmas 2002

(be sure to visit the Christmas Letter Archive!)

Merry Christmas from the Erickson Family!

Another year is coming to a close. As we take this time to reflect, it brings to mind our many, many blessings.

We are grateful to be in our new house in Highland.  It was a lot of work to get things done, but we just love it.  This summer we had a lot of dirt brought in, a lot of rocks hauled out, and after a lot of patience and watering we’ve finally got green grass!  We have a few little baby trees that we hope survive the winter and the deer.

We are grateful that Ryan has a new job!  Shortly before we moved into the new house, Ryan lost his job at Intel and spent quite a few months unemployed.  Thankfully, a wonderful opportunity opened up and he in now working for Claredi, a company that helps other companies become HIPAA-compliant (don’t understand that?  Ask him yourself and he’ll give you a lengthy explanation).  He really loves the commute to his workplace–it’s about 30 steps from bed to the office downstairs.  Having Ryan work from home has been an adjustment for all of us, but we’ve gotten used to it and really love it!  It’s nice to have the whole family here in the mornings and Ryan doesn’t miss traffic jams at all!

We are thankful for our family.  The kids are growing up, as kids tend to do, and that gives us new opportunities and challenges to learn from.

Cole is now 8 years old and was baptized in March.  He loves cub scouts and recently earned his Wolf award.  He is a wonderful big brother to all his sisters.  He’s been taking piano lessons for about a year and a half and is really excelling.  He likes to play fast and loud, and his current favorite songs are “Frosty the Snowman” and “Book of Mormon Stories”.  He played soccer again this year, and although he’s not the fastest or most aggressive player on the team, he enjoys playing, and we can see improvement.

Megan is our 6-year-old 1st grader, and she can usually be seen with a pencil or marker in her hand.  She LOVES to draw and is quite good at it.  Her favorite subjects to draw are animals, often of the cat family.  She wants to be “an artist and a horse rider” when she grows up.  Although she has no real horse to ride, she was an awfully cute cowgirl for Halloween, complete with her stick horse.  Megan also enjoys soccer, and scored more than one goal this season.  She has lots of friends and loves playing with all of them.

Natalie recently turned 4, and is our little princess.  She loves everything girly—Barbies, pretty dresses, wearing her gold princess dress for Halloween, and painted fingernails.  She is also a wonderful singer and has a great memory for song lyrics!  She has a certain “Mermaid Show” on the trampoline with singing and jumping that she performs for anyone who will watch.  She also enjoys art—especially painting, and is quite computer literate and enjoys playing on and other kid-friendly websites.

Jenna is almost 2 and quite a charmer.  She’s got the whole family (especially Daddy) wrapped around her finger and pretty much gets anything she wants.  She likes to do whatever the big kids are doing, whether that is jumping on the trampoline or coloring pictures or playing on the computer.  Her diet consists of mostly macaroni and  cheese and marshmallows, but we’re hoping she’ll branch out a little more in the coming months.  She’s obviously a genius and is going through a language explosion right now (today she surprised me with a “bless you” when someone sneezed)!

We just returned from a fun family vacation.  We went to Disneyworld and took a Disney cruise.  It was not without incident and we had to deal with some sickness—perhaps you saw Paige on the NBC nightly news—but we still managed to take about a million pictures and  had a good time. 

We are especially thankful for this beautiful land that we live in.  We’ve all learned not to take these blessings for granted and to thank our Heavenly Father for all that he does for us.

We are so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the miracle of his life that we celebrate at this Christmas season.  May the joy of Christmas be in all of our homes and hearts at Christmas time and always.


The Ericksons

Ryan and Paige Erickson, 11381 North Sampson Drive, Highland, UT 84003
(801) 756-8325

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