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Christmas 1996

Merry Christmas to our Friends!

We hope this letter finds you and your family well and happily enjoying this holiday season.  Since this is our main form of correspondence with many of you, we’ll just fill you in on the happenings of 1996.

This year has, as always, been a busy one for the Ericksons.  Because of business trips and vacations, we have managed to travel quite a lot this year.  We went to San Diego in March; Ryan worked and Paige tagged along, and we managed to have a wonderful time with 3 other couples from Erudite Software.  Although traveling 8 months pregnant isn’t very comfortable, it was the perfect break for us both.  And for Cole, staying at his grandparents is a vacation for him any day.

Our little Megan was born in April. She is a beautiful happy baby and she’s brought us almost nothing but Joy.  Cole had just turned two when she was born, and he is a fabulous big brother.  He loves to play with his sister, and he can make her laugh faster than Mom or Dad can.

In August, Ryan’s Company sent us to Florida.  It was another business trip, but we managed to have fun at Epcot Center for a day while he wasn’t working.  Megan came with us on that trip, and was a very good little traveler!  We also took the kids to Seattle and Disneyland for family vacations.  Ryan’s brother gave us free Disneyland passes and we couldn’t pass that up!  Although it is difficult to take two small kids to Disneyland, it is possible.  Cole and Megan were both really good, although Cole got scared on some of the rides that we wanted to go on (Pirates, Haunted Mansion).  His favorite was Autopia--the little cars that he could “drive” himself, and he enjoyed meeting the characters.  Paige also won a trip to San Fransisco that had to be used by December, so although we were pretty vacationed out, we had to take that trip, too!

Ryan’s job is going well--he’s a “Senior Project Manager” but nobody really knows what that means.  Erudite Software merged this year with a company called GSE Systems, so now the company name is GSE Erudite Software.  Paige did not go back to work at the daycare after Megan was born.  It’s nice to stay home with the kids, but somehow I imagined that I would get more done staying home.  Ha. Ha!  Since Cole wasn’t going to school with Mommy everyday like last year,  he is going to Pre-school twice a week.  He really likes it, and it’s good social time for him.  We also go to the Library for storytime and to get books.  He loves to ride his bike and play in the dirt outside, but now that it’s winter we’ll have to find other entertainment.

We’re excited for Christmas and the fun and joy that the season brings, and we wish you all the best for you and your family! Happy Holidays!

Ryan, Paige, Cole and Megan

Ryan and Paige Erickson, 11381 North Sampson Drive, Highland, UT 84003
(801) 756-8325

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